Here's my one thing different...
I don't want to call these stories "regrets" because I really believe everything happens for a reason, but if I had to be honest about one decision I've often wondered about it would be my choice of colleges. Back in the day, and I mean way back to the early eighties, when I was deciding which college to go to, I opted for a local, fairly inexpensive, but decent school that had the program I was interested in. I had wanted to go to NYU for film, but as the third of three children in my working class family, cost was a concern. My parents couldn't really advise me and I was ignorant about things like scholarship monies. No one in my high school said, "this is how you could fund it." So, I did what I thought was the responsible thing. I really enjoyed my college training, but I often wonder what opportunities may have come way had I gone to NYU. I would have graduated with some uber talented people who came out of the place, including Spike Lee. real regrets here, but I just wonder...How about you all? |
Congrats Jenn
Sounds like its going to be superb work
Looking forward to reading this..
I look forward to reading this novel!
I definitely feel that a lot of decisions I've made in life would change drastically if I had the wisdom of hindsight. I think my social skills would have been the most noticeable change out of anything.
Hey there,
Thanks for the well wishes guys. In the interest of having more shared, specific stories however, I thought I 'd better start with my own! I don't want to call these stories "regrets" because I really believe everything happens for a reason, but if I had to be honest about one decision I've often wondered about it would be my choice of colleges.
Back in the day, and I mean way back to the early eighties, when I was deciding which college to go to, I opted for a local, fairly inexpensive, but decent school that had the program I was interested in. I had wanted to go to NYU for film, but as the third of three children in my working class family, cost was a concern. My parents couldn't really advise me and I was ignorant about things like scholarship monies. No one in my high school said, "this is how you could fund it." So, I did what I thought was the responsible thing.
I really enjoyed my college training, but I often wonder what opportunities may have come way had I gone to NYU. I would have graduated with some uber talented people who came out of the place, including Spike Lee. Hmm...I just wonder...
So, with all that I know now, looking back, I probably would have made a different decision. But, che sara...
How about you all? What's your one do-over?
You made a choice regarding College
With the wisdom you had back then & You were considerate to think of
Your Family`s financial situation.
Pretty wise & unselfish for someone in HS in my opinion
Bottom line, you had the freedom to
Make the choice rather relying on
Parents or someone in HS instructing you what to do with
YOUR LIFE & got to go to College!
An opportunity some can`t have..
Any choices in life can come with their rewards or disappointments..
It`s how you enjoy the rewards &
deal with the disappointments.
Do-overs are for Spike Lee
Life`choices are yours to make right or wrong..
Hey Matt,
Thanks for the comment. Of course, I agree with you that life must be enjoyed! But it is exactly the point that so many of our important decisions are made in our youth, I often wonder how just the simple act of making a different decision could alter one's life course entirely. What a concept! Like I said, no regrets, just looking to collect shared stories, wisdom and perspectives from others who may want to comment.
What an excellent concept! I am so looking forward to devouring this book. So here’s my response to your thought provoking query:
When I was 21, right after I graduated college, I had an exciting opportunity to live and work in France. Ultimately, the guilt from my aging parents’ pleading for me not to go (OK, let’s face it, it was my mom), prevented me from going. 9 years later, I had another opportunity to live and work and follow my heart abroad, this time in Greece. By then, my father had passed away and my mom was that much older; however, that time around, I knew I had to live my life for myself, and not others. I moved to Greece, and surprisingly, the world did not end and mom my adjusted.
I always wonder what twists and turns my life would have taken had I moved to France when I had had the opportunity…Still, I am glad that I did not pass up an equally exciting opportunity the second time around, when there were seemingly even more reasons to stay put in the best country in the world, the U.S.A.
Thanks for sharing that story. At least you had the wisdom and courage to take the next opportunity when it presented itself 9 years later. Smart girl!
I think you need to put a larger excerpt. There needs to be just a little bit more to get hooked.
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