Monday, July 25, 2011

What decisions would you have made differently?

If you could have one do-over, what would it be? Everyone has something in their past they wish they had maybe handled differently--a decision made in haste or in the inexperience of youth, a love lost, career opportunity not taken. But the real message of the book, is using your time wisely, living an authentic life, changing what can be changed so that you can live without regret and accepting the life you create for yourself. Anyone want to chime in? Thanks. I look forward to you sharing your stories.

Here's my one thing different...

I don't want to call these stories "regrets" because I really believe everything happens for a reason, but if I had to be honest about one decision I've often wondered about it would be my choice of colleges. Back in the day, and I mean way back to the early eighties, when I was deciding which college to go to, I opted for a local, fairly inexpensive, but decent school that had the program I was interested in. I had wanted to go to NYU for film, but as the third of three children in my working class family, cost was a concern. My parents couldn't really advise me and I was ignorant about things like scholarship monies. No one in my high school said, "this is how you could fund it." So, I did what I thought was the responsible thing. I really enjoyed my college training, but I often wonder what opportunities may have come way had I gone to NYU. I would have graduated with some uber talented people who came out of the place, including Spike Lee. real regrets here, but I just wonder...How about you all?