Here's my one thing different...
I don't want to call these stories "regrets" because I really believe everything happens for a reason, but if I had to be honest about one decision I've often wondered about it would be my choice of colleges. Back in the day, and I mean way back to the early eighties, when I was deciding which college to go to, I opted for a local, fairly inexpensive, but decent school that had the program I was interested in. I had wanted to go to NYU for film, but as the third of three children in my working class family, cost was a concern. My parents couldn't really advise me and I was ignorant about things like scholarship monies. No one in my high school said, "this is how you could fund it." So, I did what I thought was the responsible thing. I really enjoyed my college training, but I often wonder what opportunities may have come way had I gone to NYU. I would have graduated with some uber talented people who came out of the place, including Spike Lee. real regrets here, but I just wonder...How about you all? |